Unified Site Methodology Program

Lotus ensures consistent data across the ERG site network with an intensive, multi-tiered training program.

In-Person Study-Specific Training
  • As each Lotus site is brought on to a study, all staff undergo a full-day in-person training
  • Dedicated training is provided centered on endpoints, study drug, placebo response mitigation, and other key topics
  • Staff participate in didactic training, role-playing, hands-on exercises and Q&A sessions.
  • Staff review written summaries and complete a post-test to ensure comprehension
Training and Testing on Key Methodology Topics
  • Quarterly deep dives into methodology topics
  • Staff participate in periodic online sessions featuring didactic video training followed by a comprehension test
  • Provide case study scenarios and other tools designed to ethically reduce unnecessary early terminations and other outcomes that can result in missing data
Quality Control via Review of Site Data
  • To ensure that Lotus’ methodology training is optimally implemented at all sites, leadership team regularly reviews study data provided by each site
  • The team inspects data for consistent/expected placebo response and other key variables, across sites
  • Outlier sites are reviewed and retrained as necessary
Data Quality